Surreal Artwork and Behind the Scenes pictures from THE VILLIKON CHRONICLES...
Fallon poster image (Book #3)
Dantzelle Pettit as Fallon Kaffiri
Mystere Pemba'Quar
Mystere battles the Porphyrians
Cheyenne Silver as Mystere
Lemual Z. Silas
Silas is mutated into a Porphyrian Under Lord
Prepping animatronic Silas for photo shoot
Sha'leste Anza-Borrego
Portrait of Sha'leste
Rachel Portillo as Sha'leste takes direction on the set
Sha'leste leads the Porphyrian Hive
Sentinel Armies
Sha'leste, Fallon, Silas and Soloman
Kort Villikon
Zandora Villikon
Amanda Ruiz as Zandora
Vice General Novotny Rybolt
Actor/Model Shane Stevens as Epimetheus Von
Actor/Model Anthony Palmisano as Novotny Rybolt
Exuma the Dirt Whale
Exuma animatronic on set
Exuma: 100 tons of fun
Villikon II Preview